Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Members Request Contest on StainedGlassville

The winning suggestion for a central motif theme is "Fleur de Lis".
For suggesting the theme prizes will be awarded to Blondie.

The pattern has been uploaded onto the forum as of 4/15/10 and within 24 hours 34 minutes and 13 seconds a finished stained glass was presented by GeorgianLady. Way to go!

A consolation prize has been added for 2nd and 3rd place in the dash.

Till May 30th members will be working on the "Most Creative" leg of the contest and will end with a vote by June 7th. The winning project will be showcased on the cover of a new stained glass pattern book titled "Center Motif's"  by Down East Stained Glass and the contributer of the winning panel will be awarded some very nice prizes.

If you aren't a member of SGV you should join to be able to enter great contests like this.
Go to>>> StainedGlassville.

Unlike some other closed door forums, non members are welcome to view all of the images on StainedGlassville and read the discussions as they are posted. SGV will never force membership requirements for those who are curious onlookers who prefer to just look around. The open door policy and promoted feed syndication, great contests and wide variety of open minded discussion is why StainedGlassville continues to be the most popular art glass forum online.

If you are interested in trying the pattern for the Fleur de Lis you can download a free copy here>>> Fleur de Lis Download

You can also read the current forum thread with a full sized pattern available here>>> Members Theme Pattern Download Thread

Stained Glass Pattern Preview

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Free Stained Glass Patterns

Just found a great site Called "Free Stained Glass Patterns" well actually it's Free-StainedGlass-Patterns.com.
They have a terrific listing of many stained glass patterns found free online with a description of each. Some comments are humorous but mostly fair to the free stained glass pattern creator and contributor.
If you're looking looking for free stained glass patterns I strongly suggest you give them a visit...

Free Stained Glass Patterns

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lilly & Easter Eggs

Trying out a new way to make stained glass patterns where I take a photo of the original draft and re-size it to fit a standard 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper for printing. You have to then print the original draft (new size) and using a light box, trace over the pattern. This leaves you with a simple line drawing of the pattern. You can then make personal edits and instructions.

Here is a new stained glass pattern I drew up to do this.
Feel free to use it yourself and share.

The pattern is available here>>>  Lily & Easter Eggs